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Standard Checklists

Here is a list of typical checklists you can use in the Ensure app. Alternatively, we can digitize your existing checks.

Fit2Trade Routines for Retailers

Daily H&S Checklists

Kitchen Daily H&S Checklist
Kitchen Area Are floors clean and free from hazards?
Kitchen Area Are all surfaces sanitized?
Kitchen Area Is food storage compliant with safety regulations?
Kitchen Area Are temperature logs maintained for refrigerators and freezers?
Kitchen Area Are all appliances in good working condition?
Food Preparation Is personal protective equipment (PPE) being used by staff?
Food Preparation Are handwashing facilities fully stocked and accessible?
Food Preparation Is raw food stored separately from ready-to-eat food?
Food Preparation Are cutting boards and utensils clean and properly stored?
Food Storage Is dry food storage clean and organized?
Food Storage Are all food items within their expiration dates?
Food Storage Are food containers properly labeled and sealed?
Staff Hygiene Are staff wearing appropriate uniforms and protective gear?
Staff Hygiene Are staff following proper handwashing procedures?
Waste Management Is waste disposed of properly and regularly?
Waste Management Are waste bins clean and covered?
Fire Safety Are fire exits clear and accessible?
Fire Safety Are fire extinguishers available and checked regularly?
Fire Safety Is the fire alarm system functional?
General Safety Are first aid kits fully stocked and accessible?
General Safety Are safety signs and procedures clearly displayed?
General Safety Are all electrical outlets and cords in good condition?
Hotel Daily H&S Checklist
Lobby Area Are floors clean and free from tripping hazards?
Lobby Area Are emergency exits clearly marked and accessible?
Lobby Area Is the reception desk area organized and free from hazards?
Guest Rooms Are all room amenities in working condition (lights, A/C, etc.)?
Guest Rooms Are linens and towels clean and free from stains?
Guest Rooms Are smoke detectors functional in each room?
Guest Rooms Is the bathroom clean and stocked with supplies?
Guest Rooms Is the furniture in good condition and safe for use?
Hallways Are hallways free from obstructions?
Hallways Are handrails secure where applicable?
Hallways Are fire extinguishers in place and inspected?
Housekeeping Is the housekeeping cart stocked with necessary supplies?
Housekeeping Are cleaning chemicals stored safely and labeled?
Laundry Are laundry machines in good working condition?
Laundry Are dirty linens separated from clean linens properly?
Kitchen Are food storage temperatures being monitored and logged?
Kitchen Are kitchen surfaces and appliances clean?
Kitchen Is food properly stored and labeled?
Dining Area Is the dining area clean and organized?
Dining Area Are tables and chairs free from damage?
Dining Area Is the food service area compliant with hygiene standards?
Pool Area Is the pool water clean and balanced?
Pool Area Are pool safety signs clearly visible?
Pool Area Are pool rescue and first aid equipment accessible?
Fire Safety Are fire alarms and smoke detectors functional?
Fire Safety Are emergency exit routes clear and well-lit?
Fire Safety Are evacuation plans displayed in guest rooms and common areas?
General Safety Are first aid kits stocked and accessible?
General Safety Are electrical outlets and cords in safe condition?
General Safety Are elevators functioning correctly and inspected regularly?
Childcare Daily H&S Checklist
Entrance Area Are entry and exit points secure and monitored?
Entrance Area Are floors clean and free from tripping hazards?
Classroom Are toys and materials clean and in good condition?
Classroom Are electrical outlets covered and safe from children?
Classroom Are all cleaning supplies and chemicals stored out of children’s reach?
Classroom Is the room properly ventilated and at a comfortable temperature?
Classroom Are tables and chairs appropriate for children’s size and safety?
Classroom Are emergency exit routes clearly marked and accessible?
Outdoor Play Area Is the outdoor play area secure and free from hazards?
Outdoor Play Area Is all playground equipment in good condition?
Outdoor Play Area Are children supervised at all times while outdoors?
Outdoor Play Area Is the outdoor area clean and free from litter or animal waste?
Staff Hygiene Are staff following proper handwashing procedures?
Staff Hygiene Are staff wearing appropriate uniforms and protective gear?
Child Hygiene Are children’s hands being washed before meals and after play?
Child Hygiene Are diaper-changing areas clean and sanitized after each use?
Food Preparation Is food storage compliant with safety regulations?
Food Preparation Are all surfaces clean and sanitized?
Food Preparation Are food allergies clearly documented and followed?
Napping Area Are cribs or mats clean and in good condition?
Napping Area Are bedding and blankets clean and free from stains?
Napping Area Is the napping area properly supervised and safe?
Fire Safety Are smoke detectors and fire alarms functional?
Fire Safety Are fire extinguishers in place and inspected?
Fire Safety Are fire exit routes clear and evacuation plans visible?
General Safety Are first aid kits fully stocked and accessible?
General Safety Are staff trained in pediatric first aid?
General Safety Are safety gates in place and secure where needed?
Care Home Daily H&S Checklist
Entrance Area Are entry and exit points secure and monitored?
Entrance Area Are floors clean and free from tripping hazards?
Resident Rooms Are beds and furniture in good condition and safe?
Resident Rooms Are emergency call systems functional in each room?
Resident Rooms Are mobility aids available and in good working condition?
Resident Rooms Are smoke detectors functional in each room?
Resident Rooms Are electrical outlets and cords in safe condition?
Resident Rooms Are linens clean and free from stains?
Bathrooms Are grab rails secure in resident bathrooms?
Bathrooms Are non-slip mats in place in wet areas?
Bathrooms Are bathrooms clean and well-stocked with supplies?
Hallways Are hallways free from obstructions or hazards?
Hallways Are handrails secure where applicable?
Kitchen Are food storage temperatures monitored and logged?
Kitchen Are kitchen surfaces and appliances clean?
Kitchen Is food properly stored and labeled?
Dining Area Is the dining area clean and organized?
Dining Area Are tables and chairs free from damage and suitable for residents?
Medication Room Are medications stored securely and in the correct conditions?
Medication Room Are medication records up to date and accurate?
Fire Safety Are fire alarms and smoke detectors functional?
Fire Safety Are fire extinguishers in place and inspected?
Fire Safety Are emergency exit routes clear and evacuation plans displayed?
Staff Hygiene Are staff following proper handwashing procedures?
Staff Hygiene Are staff uniforms clean and appropriate for care work?
General Safety Are first aid kits fully stocked and accessible?
General Safety Are residents being properly supervised?
General Safety Are safety signs and evacuation procedures clearly displayed?
General Safety Are all electrical outlets and cords in safe condition?
Mobility and Falls Are fall prevention measures in place (e.g., bed alarms, floor mats)?
Mobility and Falls Are mobility aids in good condition and within reach of residents?
Waste Management Is waste, including clinical waste, disposed of safely and regularly?
Office Building Daily H&S Checklist
Entrance Area Are entry and exit points secure and accessible?
Entrance Area Are floors clean and free from tripping hazards?
Reception Area Is the reception desk area organized and free from hazards?
Office Area Are workstations clean and free from clutter?
Office Area Are chairs and desks in good condition and ergonomically suitable?
Office Area Are electrical cords and cables properly managed and secured?
Office Area Are computer screens set at eye level to prevent strain?
Meeting Rooms Are meeting room tables and chairs in good condition?
Meeting Rooms Are fire exit routes clearly marked and accessible?
Kitchen/Break Room Is the kitchen area clean and free from food debris?
Kitchen/Break Room Are appliances like microwaves and refrigerators clean and working?
Kitchen/Break Room Is food stored properly and within expiration dates?
Kitchen/Break Room Are waste bins emptied regularly and properly maintained?
Bathrooms Are bathrooms clean and stocked with soap, towels, and toilet paper?
Bathrooms Are handwashing facilities in working condition?
Fire Safety Are smoke detectors and fire alarms functional?
Fire Safety Are fire extinguishers available and checked regularly?
Fire Safety Are emergency exit routes clear and evacuation plans displayed?
General Safety Are first aid kits fully stocked and accessible?
General Safety Are electrical outlets and cords in good condition?
General Safety Are all safety signs clearly displayed where necessary?
General Safety Are windows and doors in good working order?
General Safety Are lights functioning properly and providing adequate illumination?
Waste Management Is waste disposed of properly and regularly?
IT Equipment Are computers, printers, and other devices in safe working order?
IT Equipment Are surge protectors used where necessary?
IT Equipment Is data storage and backup being performed regularly?
Mobility and Accessibility Are walkways free from obstructions?
Mobility and Accessibility Are elevators or ramps functioning properly?
Retail Daily H&S Checklist
Entrance Area Are entry and exit points secure and accessible?
Entrance Area Are floors clean and free from tripping hazards?
Entrance Area Are entrance mats in place and in good condition?
Sales Floor Are aisles and walkways free from obstructions?
Sales Floor Are shelves and displays sturdy and safe from tipping?
Sales Floor Are items properly stocked and not overhanging shelves?
Sales Floor Are price tags and labels clear and visible?
Sales Floor Are fire exit routes clearly marked and accessible?
Sales Floor Is the store adequately lit?
Stock Room Are items in the stockroom stored safely and securely?
Stock Room Are ladders and step stools in good working condition?
Stock Room Is the stockroom clean and free from debris?
Stock Room Are flammable materials stored away from heat sources?
Fitting Rooms Are fitting rooms clean and free from hazards?
Fitting Rooms Are mirrors secure and in good condition?
Cash Register Area Are the cash registers and counters clean and organized?
Cash Register Area Are electrical cords and equipment safely managed?
Cash Register Area Are security systems and alarms functional?
Customer Service Area Is the customer service area free from clutter and hazards?
Bathrooms Are bathrooms clean and stocked with soap, towels, and toilet paper?
Bathrooms Are handwashing facilities in working condition?
Fire Safety Are smoke detectors and fire alarms functional?
Fire Safety Are fire extinguishers available and checked regularly?
Fire Safety Are emergency exit routes clear and evacuation plans displayed?
General Safety Are first aid kits fully stocked and accessible?
General Safety Are electrical outlets and cords in good condition?
General Safety Are security cameras functioning properly?
General Safety Are all safety signs clearly displayed where necessary?
Waste Management Is waste, including recycling, disposed of properly and regularly?
Waste Management Are waste bins emptied regularly and in good condition?
Staff Area Is the staff area clean and organized?
Staff Area Are lockers and personal storage areas secure?
Staff Hygiene Are staff following proper hygiene and handwashing procedures?
Mobility and Accessibility Are walkways free from obstructions?
Mobility and Accessibility Are elevators, escalators, or ramps functioning properly?

Weekly H&S Checklists

Nursing Home Weekly H&S Checklist
General Are emergency exits clearly marked and unobstructed?
General Are fire extinguishers accessible and inspected?
General Are emergency evacuation procedures posted and practiced?
Housekeeping Are common areas clean and free of trip hazards?
Housekeeping Are resident rooms clean and clutter-free?
Housekeeping Are cleaning supplies stored safely?
Electrical Safety Are electrical outlets and cords in good condition?
Electrical Safety Are all appliances functioning properly?
Fire Safety Are smoke detectors operational and tested regularly?
Fire Safety Are fire drills conducted regularly?
Fire Safety Are fire escape plans visibly posted?
Personal Protective Equipment Is PPE being worn by staff when necessary?
Personal Protective Equipment Is PPE in good condition and properly stored?
Chemical Safety Are hazardous materials stored safely and labeled?
Chemical Safety Are MSDS available for all hazardous substances?
Infection Control Are infection control policies followed?
Infection Control Are hand sanitizers available and used by staff and visitors?
Infection Control Are isolation procedures in place and followed when necessary?
Resident Safety Are residents’ mobility aids in good condition?
Resident Safety Are call buttons functioning and accessible to residents?
Medication Safety Are medications stored securely and administered correctly?
Medication Safety Are medication records up to date?
Food Safety Are food storage areas kept at safe temperatures?
Food Safety Are food handling practices in compliance with regulations?
Security Are entrance and exit points secure?
Security Are visitor logs maintained?
First Aid Are first aid kits fully stocked and accessible?
First Aid Are emergency contact numbers posted and updated?
Training Have all staff completed required training?
Training Is ongoing safety training provided?
Resident Supervision Are staff-to-resident ratios in compliance with regulations?
Resident Supervision Are residents supervised during high-risk activities?
Childcare Weekly H&S Checklist
General Are emergency exits clearly marked and unobstructed?
General Are fire extinguishers accessible and inspected?
General Are emergency evacuation procedures posted and practiced?
Housekeeping Are play areas clean and free of trip hazards?
Housekeeping Are toys and equipment regularly cleaned and sanitized?
Housekeeping Are storage areas organized and items stored safely?
Electrical Safety Are electrical outlets covered with safety caps?
Electrical Safety Are electrical cords secured and out of children’s reach?
Fire Safety Are smoke detectors operational and tested regularly?
Fire Safety Are fire drills conducted regularly?
Fire Safety Are fire escape plans visibly posted?
Personal Protective Equipment Is PPE being worn by staff when necessary?
Personal Protective Equipment Is PPE in good condition and properly stored?
Chemical Safety Are cleaning supplies stored out of children’s reach?
Chemical Safety Are MSDS available for all hazardous substances?
Outdoor Safety Is the playground equipment in good condition?
Outdoor Safety Is the outdoor area free of hazardous materials?
Outdoor Safety Are children supervised at all times outdoors?
Kitchen Safety Are kitchen areas clean and free of pests?
Kitchen Safety Are food storage areas kept at safe temperatures?
Food Safety Are food handling practices in compliance with regulations?
Food Safety Are children’s allergies documented and managed?
Security Are entrance and exit points secure?
Security Are visitor logs maintained?
First Aid Are first aid kits fully stocked and accessible?
First Aid Are emergency contact numbers posted and updated?
Training Have all staff completed required training?
Training Is ongoing safety training provided?
Child Supervision Are staff-to-child ratios in compliance with regulations?
Child Supervision Are children accounted for during transitions?
Hotel Weekly H&S Checklist
General Are emergency exits clearly marked?
General Are fire extinguishers accessible and inspected?
General Are emergency evacuation procedures posted?
Housekeeping Are common areas free of trip hazards?
Housekeeping Are guest rooms clean and free of clutter?
Housekeeping Are housekeeping carts stored properly?
Electrical Safety Are electrical outlets and cords in good condition?
Electrical Safety Are all appliances in guest rooms functioning?
Fire Safety Are smoke detectors in guest rooms operational?
Fire Safety Are fire alarms tested regularly?
Fire Safety Are fire doors kept closed and unobstructed?
Personal Protective Equipment Is PPE being worn by staff when necessary?
Personal Protective Equipment Is PPE in good condition and properly stored?
Chemical Safety Are cleaning chemicals stored safely and labeled?
Chemical Safety Are MSDS available for all hazardous substances?
Pool and Spa Safety Is the pool area free of slip hazards?
Pool and Spa Safety Are pool chemicals stored and used safely?
Pool and Spa Safety Is the pool water tested regularly?
Kitchen Safety Are kitchen floors clean and dry?
Kitchen Safety Are knives and other sharp objects stored safely?
Kitchen Safety Is kitchen equipment regularly maintained?
Food Safety Are food storage areas kept at safe temperatures?
Food Safety Are food handling practices in compliance with regulations?
Security Are security cameras operational?
Security Are staff trained in emergency procedures?
First Aid Are first aid kits fully stocked?
First Aid Are emergency contact numbers posted?
Training Have all employees completed required training?
Training Is ongoing safety training provided?
Customer Safety Are guest complaints about safety issues promptly addressed?
Manufacturing Weekly H&S Checklist
General Are emergency exits clearly marked and unobstructed?
General Are fire extinguishers accessible and inspected?
General Are emergency evacuation procedures posted and practiced?
Housekeeping Is the workspace free of trip hazards?
Housekeeping Are walkways clear and unobstructed?
Housekeeping Are waste materials disposed of properly?
Machinery Safety Are machine guards in place and functioning?
Machinery Safety Are lockout/tagout procedures being followed?
Machinery Safety Are machines regularly maintained and inspected?
Personal Protective Equipment Is PPE being worn and in good condition?
Personal Protective Equipment Are PPE requirements clearly posted?
Chemical Safety Are chemical storage areas properly labeled?
Chemical Safety Are MSDS available for all hazardous substances?
Chemical Safety Are spill kits accessible and stocked?
Electrical Safety Are electrical cords and equipment in good condition?
Electrical Safety Are extension cords being used appropriately?
Fire Safety Are fire alarms and smoke detectors operational?
Fire Safety Are fire drills conducted regularly?
Lifting and Handling Are lifting aids available and used correctly?
Lifting and Handling Are employees trained in proper lifting techniques?
Training Have all employees completed required safety training?
Training Is ongoing safety training provided?
Ergonomics Are workstations set up ergonomically?
Ergonomics Are employees aware of ergonomic best practices?
First Aid Are first aid kits fully stocked and accessible?
First Aid Are emergency contact numbers posted and updated?
Noise Control Are noise levels monitored and controlled?
Noise Control Are hearing protection devices provided and used?
Ventilation Is the ventilation system functioning properly?
Ventilation Are air quality levels within acceptable limits?
Building Safety Are school facilities regularly inspected for maintenance issues?
Building Safety Are windows and doors in good condition and secure?
Pharmacy Weekly H&S Checklist
General Are emergency exits clearly marked and unobstructed?
General Are fire extinguishers accessible and inspected?
General Are emergency evacuation procedures posted and practiced?
Housekeeping Are floors clean and free of trip hazards?
Housekeeping Are storage areas organized and items stored safely?
Electrical Safety Are electrical outlets and cords in good condition?
Electrical Safety Are extension cords used appropriately and in good condition?
Fire Safety Are smoke detectors operational and tested regularly?
Fire Safety Are fire drills conducted regularly?
Fire Safety Are fire escape plans visibly posted?
Personal Protective Equipment Is PPE being worn by staff when necessary?
Personal Protective Equipment Is PPE in good condition and properly stored?
Chemical Safety Are hazardous materials stored safely and labeled?
Chemical Safety Are MSDS available for all hazardous substances?
Medication Safety Are medications stored securely and at the correct temperature?
Medication Safety Are expired medications disposed of properly?
Medication Safety Are prescription records up to date and accurate?
Infection Control Are infection control policies followed?
Infection Control Are hand sanitizers available and used by staff and customers?
Infection Control Are surfaces regularly cleaned and disinfected?
Security Are entrance and exit points secure?
Security Are security cameras operational and monitored?
Customer Safety Are aisles and walkways clear of obstructions?
Customer Safety Are wet floor signs used when necessary?
Training Have all staff completed required safety training?
Training Is ongoing safety training provided?
First Aid Are first aid kits fully stocked and accessible?
First Aid Are emergency contact numbers posted and updated?
Ergonomics Are workstations set up ergonomically?
Ergonomics Are employees aware of ergonomic best practices?
Restaurant Weekly H&S Checklist
General Are emergency exits clearly marked and unobstructed?
General Are fire extinguishers accessible and inspected?
General Are emergency evacuation procedures posted and practiced?
Housekeeping Are floors clean and free of trip hazards?
Housekeeping Are cleaning supplies stored safely and labeled?
Electrical Safety Are electrical outlets and cords in good condition?
Electrical Safety Are extension cords used appropriately and in good condition?
Fire Safety Are smoke detectors operational and tested regularly?
Fire Safety Are fire drills conducted regularly?
Fire Safety Are fire escape plans visibly posted?
Personal Protective Equipment Is PPE being worn by staff when necessary?
Personal Protective Equipment Is PPE in good condition and properly stored?
Chemical Safety Are hazardous materials stored safely and labeled?
Chemical Safety Are MSDS available for all hazardous substances?
Food Safety Are food storage areas kept at safe temperatures?
Food Safety Are food handling practices in compliance with regulations?
Food Safety Are expiration dates on food items checked regularly?
Kitchen Safety Are kitchen floors clean and dry?
Kitchen Safety Are knives and other sharp objects stored safely?
Kitchen Safety Is kitchen equipment regularly maintained and in good condition?
Customer Safety Are dining areas free of trip hazards?
Customer Safety Are wet floor signs used when necessary?
Customer Safety Are customer complaints about safety issues promptly addressed?
Security Are entrance and exit points secure?
Security Are security cameras operational and monitored?
Training Have all staff completed required safety training?
Training Is ongoing safety training provided?
First Aid Are first aid kits fully stocked and accessible?
First Aid Are emergency contact numbers posted and updated?
Ergonomics Are workstations set up ergonomically?
Ergonomics Are employees aware of ergonomic best practices?
Retail Weekly H&S Checklist
General Are emergency exits clearly marked and unobstructed?
General Are fire extinguishers accessible and inspected?
General Are emergency evacuation procedures posted and practiced?
Housekeeping Are floors clean and free of trip hazards?
Housekeeping Are shelves and displays stable and secure?
Housekeeping Are walkways and aisles clear of obstructions?
Electrical Safety Are electrical outlets and cords in good condition?
Electrical Safety Are extension cords used appropriately and in good condition?
Fire Safety Are smoke detectors operational and tested regularly?
Fire Safety Are fire drills conducted regularly?
Fire Safety Are fire escape plans visibly posted?
Personal Protective Equipment Is PPE being worn by staff when necessary?
Personal Protective Equipment Is PPE in good condition and properly stored?
Chemical Safety Are cleaning supplies stored safely and labeled?
Chemical Safety Are MSDS available for all hazardous substances?
Customer Safety Are wet floor signs used when necessary?
Customer Safety Are fitting rooms clean and free of hazards?
Customer Safety Are customer complaints about safety issues promptly addressed?
Security Are entrance and exit points secure?
Security Are security cameras operational and monitored?
Security Are anti-theft measures in place and functioning?
First Aid Are first aid kits fully stocked and accessible?
First Aid Are emergency contact numbers posted and updated?
Training Have all staff completed required safety training?
Training Is ongoing safety training provided?
Lifting and Handling Are lifting aids available and used correctly?
Lifting and Handling Are employees trained in proper lifting techniques?
Ergonomics Are workstations set up ergonomically?
Ergonomics Are employees aware of ergonomic best practices?
Emergency Preparedness Are emergency contact numbers posted and updated?
Emergency Preparedness Are staff trained in emergency response procedures?
Sports Clubs Weekly H&S Checklist
General Are emergency exits clearly marked and unobstructed?
General Are fire extinguishers accessible and inspected?
General Are emergency evacuation procedures posted and practiced?
Housekeeping Are floors and surfaces clean and free of trip hazards?
Housekeeping Are equipment storage areas organized and items stored safely?
Electrical Safety Are electrical outlets and cords in good condition?
Electrical Safety Are extension cords used appropriately and in good condition?
Fire Safety Are smoke detectors operational and tested regularly?
Fire Safety Are fire drills conducted regularly?
Fire Safety Are fire escape plans visibly posted?
Personal Protective Equipment Is PPE being worn by staff and participants when necessary?
Personal Protective Equipment Is PPE in good condition and properly stored?
Chemical Safety Are cleaning and maintenance supplies stored safely and labeled?
Chemical Safety Are MSDS available for all hazardous substances?
Equipment Safety Is sports equipment regularly inspected and maintained?
Equipment Safety Is damaged equipment removed from use?
Facility Safety Are locker rooms and restrooms clean and free of hazards?
Facility Safety Are lighting levels adequate in all areas?
Customer Safety Are wet floor signs used when necessary?
Customer Safety Are all facilities accessible and free of obstructions?
Customer Safety Are customer complaints about safety issues promptly addressed?
Security Are entrance and exit points secure?
Security Are security cameras operational and monitored?
First Aid Are first aid kits fully stocked and accessible?
First Aid Are AEDs available and regularly inspected?
Training Have all staff completed required safety training?
Training Is ongoing safety training provided?
Injury Reporting Are injury reports completed for all incidents?
Injury Reporting Are injury records reviewed regularly to identify trends?
Emergency Preparedness Are emergency contact numbers posted and updated?
Emergency Preparedness Are staff trained in emergency response procedures?

H&S Checklists

Bi-Annual Fire Drill
Records Date and Time of Drill – Record when the drill was conducted
Records Actual time it took for evacuation to be completed (minutes)? How long did the drill last? This helps assess evacuation efficiency.
Records Time to completion of roll call at assembly point from time drill started (minutes)?
Records Number of Participants? Include how many staff members and customers (if applicable) were present and participated in the drill.
Drill Scenario Briefly describe the scenario used for the drill (e.g., fire in a specific section of the store).
Drill Scenario Document which evacuation routes were taken and if any issues were encountered.
Roles and Responsibilities Who was in charge of the drill, and any specific roles assigned (like fire marshals).
Roles and Responsibilities Who was the Assembly point controller?
Observations, Feedback and Issues Record any problems or challenges during the drill, such as blocked exits or confusion among participants.
Observations, Feedback and Issues Feedback from Participants. Note any input from staff and others involved. This can provide insights into areas for improvement.
Action Taken Post-Drill Note any immediate actions taken to address issues identified during the drill.
Action Taken Post-Drill Any suggestions for future drills or safety measures based on this drill’s outcomes.
Weekly Fire Walk
Call Points Location and Identifier of the Call Point tested (number / code) – note a different call point should be tested each week
Call Points Date and Time the call point test was completed?
Call Points Did the Alarm sound when tested?
Call Points Beacons light when alarm sounded (for deaf people)?
Call Points What was the issue?
Call Points What has been done to correct the issue?
Call Points Has this been logged on the maintenance portal as an urgent call out? 
Emergency lighting Is all emergency lighting working? (test using fish key)
Emergency lighting Are all emergency lights over the final exit doors permanently lit?
Fire Extinguishers Are all fire extinguishers sited in their correct place?
Fire Extinguishers Are all Tamper tags in place?
Fire Extinguishers Are all fire extinguishers easily accessible and not being used to prop doors open?
Fire Extinguishers Is the gauge indicator in green for all extinguishers?
Fire Fighting Equipment Fire hydrant locations clear from obstruction?
Fire Fighting Equipment Have the Ansul system nozzles been inspected and tested for proper operation and alignment as per the maintenance schedule?
Fire Fighting Equipment Other fire equipment (such as fire blankets) in good condition?
Hose Reels Do you have hose reels on site?
Hose Reels Are the cabinet, nozzle and hose in good condition?
Hose Reels Does the hose reel drum have a smooth rotation and adequate tension?
Hose Reels Have you logged any issues on the maintenance portal?
Internal Fire Doors Are internal fire doors in good condition, any glazing not broken or cracked?
Internal Fire Doors Are internal fire doors closed and not held open by anything other than a magnet / hinge closer?
Internal Fire Doors Are they correctly signed?
Internal Fire Doors Are intumescent strips fitted to each side and top of the door / door frame and not painted over?
Fire Door Holding Devices Do doors held open by Fire Door Magnets/Fire Door Hinges close upon operation of the fire alarm?
Emergency exit / final doors Do they open in the direction of travel, quickly and easily, without a key during opening hours?
Emergency exit / final doors Are they correctly signed with a ‘Fire Escape – Keep Clear’ sign?
Emergency exit / final doors Is there signage indicating the ‘Push Bar / Pad’?
Fire Exit Routes Are Emergency escape routes suitably signed, easily accessible and not blocked?
Monthly Pest Control Checklist
Cleaning and Sanitation Have all food preparation and storage areas been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized?
Cleaning and Sanitation Is the cleaning schedule being followed and documented properly?
Cleaning and Sanitation Are grease traps cleaned and maintained as per the schedule?
Food Storage Are all food items stored in pest-proof, sealed containers?
Food Storage Is the FIFO (First-In, First-Out) system being followed to minimize stale food?
Food Storage Are storage areas free from spills and food debris?
Waste Management Are waste bins, both inside and outside, emptied regularly and kept clean?
Waste Management Is the waste storage area maintained and located away from food preparation areas?
Physical Barriers Are all doors and windows properly screened and free from damage?
Physical Barriers Are there any new cracks, holes, or gaps in walls, floors, or ceilings that need sealing?
Physical Barriers Are external doors equipped with self-closing mechanisms and functioning properly?
Pest Monitoring Devices Are pest monitoring devices (traps, bait stations) in place, properly positioned, and free from tampering?
Pest Monitoring Devices Are there any signs of pests in or around the monitoring devices?
Inspection and Reporting Have regular inspections for signs of pests been conducted and documented?
Inspection and Reporting Are staff trained and reminded to report any signs of pest activity immediately?
Inspection and Reporting Are any sightings or signs of pests documented and addressed promptly?
Pest Control Services Have professional pest control services been conducted as scheduled?
Pest Control Services Are records of pest control activities up to date and reviewed regularly?
Training and Awareness Have staff received recent training on pest prevention and control procedures?
Training and Awareness Are staff aware of their roles and responsibilities in maintaining a pest-free environment?
Incident Follow-up Have any reported pest incidents been investigated and resolved?
Incident Follow-up Are corrective actions from previous inspections or incidents followed up and closed?
General Observations Are there any other areas or issues that could potentially lead to pest problems?
General Observations Is the overall pest prevention and control plan being effectively implemented and maintained?
Monthly Defibrillator Checklist
Device Is the defibrillator in its designated location and easily accessible?
Device Is the exterior of the defibrillator free from visible damage or signs of wear?
Device Is the carrying case in good condition with functional zippers or latches?
Device Is the green “Ready” light blinking to indicate the device is functional?
Device Is the battery properly installed and secure and is the battery expiration date valid (not expired or near expiration)?
Pads Are the electrode pads attached to the defibrillator?
Pads Is there a spare set of electrode pads available in the carry case?
Pads Are the electrode pads within their expiration date?
Pads Is the electrode pad packaging intact and undamaged?
Functionality Did the device successfully perform its automated self-tests (daily, weekly, monthly)?
Functionality Is the device free from errors? i.e there no error messages or warning signals from the device
Functionality Is the Child/Infant Key present and properly stored (if applicable)?Is the instruction manual or quick reference guide available with the defibrillator?

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