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Emergency First Aid Course

The purpose of this course is to give Employees the Knowledge, Skills & Competence, to provide First Aid appropriately and effectively to an injured party.

76 Lessons
Online Assessment
3 Hours

Practical Assessment

For Employees to be Certified for this course they must pass a Practical Assessment. Our Certified Assessor can conduct this 121 Practical Assessment via a short Video Call. There is an additional fee per Practical Assessment.

What you'll learn

Understand workplace first aid regulations.

Know how to conduct a primary survey on a casualty.

Know how to administer CPR to a casualty.

Know how to put casualties in the recovery position.

Be able to deal with and respond to choking, wounds, bleeding and shock.

Be able to deal with and respond to burns, eye and head injuries, fractures and dislocations.

Know how to care for people suffering from asthma attacks, allergic reactions, nosebleeds, diabetic emergencies, epileptic seizures, heart attacks and strokes.

Be able to deal with and respond to hyperventilation, fainting, sprains and strains, poisoning and drowning.



This course covers

Introduction to First Aid
  • Good Samaritan and Legislation

  • First Aider Responsibilities

  • Scene Safety and Personal Safety

  • Infection Control

  • Patient and Bystanders

  • Patient Confidentiality

  • Emergency Services Activation

  • Wellbeing of the First Aider

Respiratory Emergencies
  • Respiratory System

  • Signs and Symptoms

  • Respiratory Arrest

  • Asthma

  • Choking – Foreign Body Airway Obstruction

Wounds and bleeding
  • Circulatory System

  • Types of Bleeding

  • Types of Wound

  • Bleeding Control

  • Crush Injury

  • Head Injury

  • Minor Head wounds

  • Eye injuries

  • Mouth Wounds

  • Nose Bleed

  • Bleeding from the ear

  • Dressings and Bandages

  • Slings

  • Amputation

Musculoskeletal Injuries
  • Fractures

  • Dislocations

  • Sprains and Strains

Workplace CPR During Covid19 Pandemic
  • Infection Control Measures During the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Viral Pathogen Transmission

  • Scene Safety

  • Infection Control

  • Patient Assessment

  • Biohazard Removal

Accident Management and Patient Assessment
  • General Impression on Approach
  • Mechanism of Injury
  • Primary Survey
  • Secondary Survey
  • History and Handover
Cardiac First Response
  • Need for CPR

  • Chain of Survival

  • When to start CPR

  • Compression Only CPR

  • Signs of Death

  • Major Life Threatening Emergencies

  • Angina

  • Heart Attack

  • Stroke

Altered Levels of Consciousness
  • Shock

  • Anaphylactic Shock

  • Nervous System

  • Unconsciousness

  • Concussion

  • Compression

  • Fainting

  • Seizures

  • Diabetes

  • Recovery Position

Burns, Chemicals, Poisons and Electric Shock
  • Burns and Scalds

  • Chemicals

  • Poison

  • Electric Shock

Course detail

Online Delivery

Fully online course with no time limits. Multiple online assessment attempts allowed.


This course covers and complies with The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005.

Expert Trainer

Course and Assessment created and approved by a QQI Level 6 Fully Certified Expert Trainer.

Certificate Expiry

Course and Assessment must be completed every 3 years as per industry best practice.

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