A live stocktaking solution for Pharmacies and Retailers
Our team of professional Stocktakers count your stock accurately and we provide you with an action list to reduce obsolescence.

One of the drawbacks with traditional stocktaking companies is that they only give you data. The fit2trade difference is that as well as counting your stock and uploading it to your EPOS in real-time, we turn the data from your finished count into actionable information, along with suggested corrective actions. We help you deal with obsolescence, improving your cash flow and give your buyers the skills needed to reduce future obsolescence and overstocks.
With Fit2Trade, you don’t just get an Excel spreadsheet. You get a Stocktake Dashboard via our portal, along with actions to address.

Our team count your stock and update your EPOS in real-time so there’s no lost sales.

We give you the result of your count, via our portal. A line by product valuation and variation.

We provide you with actions to reduce the amount of obsolescence.

We provide you with insights on where you’re losing sales vs your competitors in the sector.
Stocktake Dashboard turns data into information
Get a single view of the current and previous stocktake results for your site, or all your sites.

Get compliance solutions that work.
fit2trade’s live stocktake solution gives you useful information to reduce stock and increase revenue.